Monday, November 3, 2008

c'mon baby, light my fire

I have not been blogging lately because I have been spending all of my time searching for a light for our bedroom. Well, now I can start again because I've finally found the perfect one!

from Jonathan Adler, via

She's a beaut. And I'm even willing to pay the slightly higher than my normal range price tag because it fits perfectly with the decor for that room, and is only 7.5 inches high, so we won't hit our heads on it!

Ok, I was kidding about spending all my time searching for the light. I've been doing other things, like flying to San Francisco, running one marathon and training for another, raising money both at work and not at work, having company, taking two graduate classes (and getting As!), and still working on the house little by little. But I am going to continue my haitus on posting pictures of the house until after the holidays, because I want there to be some element of surprise for the holiday visitors we'll be having. Until then, I'll try to come up with some other creative posts...but don't hold your breath, this fall is really getting the best of me.

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